The main (true) source of all the powers, that protect human life, is only ‘The Sun’. ‘Suryo Hi Bhutanamayuh’. If there is no existence of sun, no any human on this earth can live even for seconds. The sunrays are also important for life. When these rays fall on body, even the biggest disease is eliminated (cured).
By the influence of sunrays, the bacteria responsible for diseases in body are killed (destroyed). The ways about curing diseases by sun are also described in Arthaveda-
Ma Te Pran Up Dasanmo Apanoapi Aayi Te.
Suryastavadhipatimrityorudayachhatu Rashmibhih.
O human (living creature)! You do not get destruction of your life and your breathing system does not stop (stopping of inhaling and exhaling). The God (Sun) keep you high by their powerful rays. Do not allow to lose your health (body) and vital power of your body.
The sun influences much on the body and soul of every human. Doctors say that all types of diseases can be cured by taking sunrays. In Yazurveda, it has scripted that the God is named as ‘Sun’ due to having light and being the soul of all living creature and substances. In Vedas, the sun has called life giver.
The power, obtained from the sun, fulfils deficiency of tiny requirements (diet); increases vital power and removes various diseases. Besides them, this energy ends neuralgic weakness; makes the muscles strong; makes the bones strong after balancing calcium and phosphorus; provides healthiness to the skin; give strength to the digestive systems and excretory functions. The brain and body grow with the help of sunrays. These rays kill the bacteria responsible for different diseases. That is the reason why the people of those houses, where sunlight does not able to enter, become the victim of many diseases.
Processes (methods) of taking sunrays:-
Sun view-
· All types of eyes diseases are eliminated by looking at red rays of the sun at the time of rising in the morning. Eyesight increases by looking at sun shade falling in the river or pond.
· In the morning, we should pour a small pot of water in front of sun as stream and see the sun across the water. It helps in elimination of physical and mental diseases.
· For sunbath, we should take sunrays directly on our body with sitting and lying on a place where sunlight falls enough after putting a piece of wet cloth on the head and wearing only one cloth on the body.
· If there is no place available for women to take this bath, it is beneficial to sit or lie under sunlight after putting on the thinnest cloth on her body.
· While taking this bath, we should always careful that our head should have in shade or a wet towel should be kept on head. This bath should be taken at the time of sunrise to 9 o’clock in the morning.
· Minimum period of time for taking sunbath must be 15 minutes and maximum must be 30 minutes. After this bath, we should take cold shower with fresh water after rubbing the body with a towel.
By taking sunbath regularly, diseases like- tooth disease, lack of appetite, bones weakness and diseases related to muscles are cured.
Oil massage in sunlight-
A person should massage his body with sesamum or mustard oil minimum once in a week. While massaging any body part, it should be moved towards heart with pressure. ?q=chromo therapy