Introduction: Apple is a fruit which has a supreme position among all fruits. Mostly, it is grown in Europe and cold and hilly area in Asia. Several proverbs are famous about the apple like- if a person eats an apple at night before going to bed regularly, he never goes to a doctor. Here it means to say that the person remains far from all diseases. Its tree is not very big. There are many kinds of apple in which these ten kinds are popular. The name of these kinds are as Golden dilision, Prince Albert, Charles rose, Newton wonder, Bemlae sidling, Lakestan superb, Blenheim orange, Orange pippin, Red soldier and American madur. Apple is used for preparing pickles, compotes, sauce and syrup. Structure: Apple is an ancient fruit because it has been described in the literature of China, Babylon and Egypt. It has many kinds and every kind has a different taste, size and colour. In modern era, about 7,000 kinds of apple are,........ READ MORE
Sexologists consider that both male and female have different point of views about sex. Often, the people define sex on the bases of their education or knowledge. Sexologists have found about sex after analyzing the views of people relating to this matter that a person thinks about sex according to his mentality and thinking...................................>>Read More